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October 6, 2020
Politics & Religion
In less than 30 days from today we will have the privilege to vote for the next president of these United States as well as state and local candidates.
Even though ministers are not supposed to talk about politics…I am stepping out boldly to tell you how to vote.
Stay with me here…I didn’t say who to vote for, I said how to vote. By that I mean how to prepare yourself to vote.
1. Turn off the news.
2. Turn within.
This is a suggestion I have given many people, even before the election was near. Watching the news is not a mentally healthy activity.
To prepare to vote as conscious and caring citizens of the United States of America we must tune out the news and tune into our own wisdom and spiritual understanding of what is happening in this world of ours today.
By now most people know exactly who they are voting for and why. Many are so put off by the whole thing they won’t even vote. Consciousness counts in either case.
When we put our faith in a very specific person or persons, we get spiritually side-tracked. We get to pretend that one man or one woman can create or destroy our country. That is simply not true…unless we agree that it is true.
If a person chooses not to vote the power of that decision rests in the consciousness of behind their choice.
If a person chooses to vote…that same Power lies in what is behind their choice of candidates. It is how we think and feel about our decisions, our life that really count.
The Power of the Universe isn’t going to choose based on the best person for the job.
The Universe responds by corresponding to us as individuals and as a collective consciousness.
All of us vote whether we think we do or not.
All of us.
Vote from a Spiritual perspective…not from fear or anger, and without condemning one person in favor of over another.
Ask, listen and act with a clear mind, unencumbered by the media and other people’s opinions.
What is your heart saying? If, as you pray you are asking for one Political Party or the other to win…I ask you to be neutral about who.
Focus on the kind of country you envision, the kind of world you see. A kind of world that is your hearts deepest desire.
My hearts deepest desire is to live in a world that works for everyone. I have no idea how will happen. There is a power far greater than any one person…and we can use it for the greater good.
If we put our faith in a very specific person, we get spiritually side-tracked. We get to pretend that one man or one woman can create or destroy our country. That is simply not true…unless we agree that it is true.
When we stay mindful in our prayer life and open to all possibilities, then hope springs eternal within us and out into the world. We do not know what lies ahead, but we can by golly, call it good, see it good and claim it as good. The future is not written, our thoughts and feelings are still creating it. The Universe responds to us by corresponding to our consistent thoughts that are backed by our strongest feelings.
What if we admit, and feel relieved to say, that we don’t know the big picture, we don’t what the collective consciousness is calling forth.
We can choose what we are putting our energy into. We can fight against, or shift our focus to our hearts greatest desire for this world we share.
I am not being naïve here…quite the contrary. Do I listen to the news, or engage in political debates? No, I do not.
My awareness comes from trusted sources that I am guided to by my intuition. Not from a biased, short-sided, commercially driven media circus.
Being a contemplative voter, that is, getting quiet and listening to your intuition, is your true vote. It isn't a "Party Vote" it is a Prayerful Vote. Voting from pray-fill, mindful awareness means no matter what the outcome of the election is, you can be certain that a bigger picture is unfolding. Keep the high-watch of faith, not fear, of peace not anxiety. Listen to your own wisdom, it is within you always.
Happy, Mindful Voting!! .
Prayer for the 2020 Election
In this election year, 2020, we respectfully cast our vote; first in prayer and then at the poles. We vote with a clear vision of a world that works for everyone. We hold that vision with clarity and faith affirming that the highest good for our nation and our world is unfolding now. We call for love to prevail. Amen and Amen